TeleSwivel Selected by Army for SBIR Phase 2 Grant for Autonomous Hitch System
Sep 14, 2021
TeleSwivel was recently selected by the Army for a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase 2 grant to prototype its autonomous hitch system previously developed in Phase 1.
According to TeleSwivel CEO Dave Woolf, "We’re honored to be part of the Autonomous Ground Resupply development effort and excited about the challenge ahead. An autonomous hitch system is a critical capability for Palletized Load System trucks and trailers that are the key haulers in the Expedient Leader Follower system currently in testing at Fort Polk."
Leader Follower convoys will significantly reduce risk to soldiers conducting resupply operations on future battlefields. TeleSwivel is focused on delivering autonomous technology as a key enabler in the Autonomous Ground Resupply (AGR) system.